Councils & Groups

Parish Council: Provide leadership through advice and consultation and work in cooperation with the pastoral staff. The Council meets at 6:30 pm on the second Wednesday of each month.

Liturgy: The Liturgy Committee is open to all parish members. It meets to plan and implement the decorations for the church. If you are interested in belonging to this committee, please call the rectory at (402) 551 0269.

Altar Servers: Altar Servers (grades 5-12) are trained to serve all masses including: weekdays, weekends, school, weddings, funerals, graduations, and sacramental. For more information, please contact Katie Galloway at (402) 551-0269.

Altar Guild: Our Altar Guild is centered in community building, the ongoing support of parish activities and ministry to parishioners in their particular needs.

Welcoming Committee: We welcome new parishioners, coordinate Donut Sundays, sponsor an annual Welcoming Weekend Liturgy, and coordinate greeters for major feast days. If interested, please contact Joan Niemeyer.

Funeral Committee: The Funeral Committee provides hospitality and food for families whose loved one’s funeral is at our church.

Flowers Committee: The flower committee provides flowers for special liturgies and upkeep of flower beds surrounding the church.

Church Cleaners: Cleaning teams prepare the church for the weekend Masses and liturgies. Teams clean, dust, vacuum, and tidy up the church.

Bible Study: A small group that meets bi-weekly to take a closer look at books or themes of the Bible.

St. Vincent De Paul: The St. Vincent de Paul Society is a world-wide lay organization of Christian men and women dedicated to bringing social justice and the friendship of charity to all those in need. We are funded in our work by donations from parishioners. If you know of someone who needs help, contact the rectory, (402) 551 0269.

Development: The Development committee provides counsel to the pastor, Finance committee, and the Parish Council. The committee discusses issues such as collections, planned giving, parish-wide fundraising activities, and encourages stewardship as a “way of life” for parishioners. See the Alumni and Development page for more information.

Dinner Auction: Annual fundraiser to support tuition assistance for the school. Visit the Dinner Auction page for more information.

Spring Festival: Visit the Spring Festival page for more information.

Stewardship: Provides counsel/assistance to the Pastor and Finance Committee.

Finance: The role of the finance committee is to monitor the annual budget and monthly income expenditure reports. The committee also offers advice and involvement in financial and program planning. The committee meets the last Thursday of the month, except for June and July.

Religious Formation: Our religious formation consists of RCIA, youth religious education and youth group activities.

RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process by which we welcome new members into the Catholic Church. An important part of the RCIA program is the sponsors, who share what the Catholic Faith means to them to members of the RCIA program. If you are interested in learning about the faith or being a sponsor, contact the rectory at (402) 551-0269 for more information.

Religious Education: Religious Education classes are for students’ 1st-8th grade attending a non-Catholic school. Classes are held on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm- 8:00 pm, September to April. For more information, please contact Katie Galloway at (402) 551 0269.

Youth Group: Students in grades 6-12 are invited to participate in youth events within the parish. A Worlds of Fun trip, pool parties, movie nights, community service, and other events are scheduled each month. Contact Katie Galloway at (402) 551-0269 for more information.

Totus Tuus: TOTUS TUUS (Totally Yours) is a fun and energetic parish based summer program for students entering 1st grade through 12th grade. A team of four, including college students and seminarians, come to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ for one week. Contact Katie Galloway at (402) 551 0269.

Night time program: Sunday-Thursday from 7:30 pm-9:45 pm.
Day time program: Monday-Friday from 9:00 am-3:00 pm.

Strategic Planning & Ongoing Evaluation: The Strategic Planning Committee assists the Parish Council with its responsibilities for the parish mission, vision and strategic direction.

Knights of Columbus: The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic international brotherhood dedicated to serving the Church, the parish, the community, and the family. Any man, 18 or older, and in union with the Church, may become a member. See the Knights of Columbus page for more information.

Choirs: A number of groups provide music for our weekend liturgies (regular weekly choir, Glory Bound Choir, Senior Choir etc.). Please contact the rectory if you’re interested in joining our choir (402) 551 0269.

Men’s Group: Group of men that meet on Saturday mornings from 6:30 am-8 am for faith sharing and faith formation. Meet to encourage each other, share the word, and challenge each other to live a life more conformed to that of Christ.
Siena Francis House: St. Bernard parishioners help serve dinner at the Francis House on the first Friday of every month from 5:00-7:00 pm. If you are interested in this ministry, contact Sue Keyser.

School Board: The Board is advisory and has 12 members, which includes nine parishioners or parents/legal guardians of school students, the Pastor, and one faculty representative. Meetings occur monthly (except June and December) on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm. Visit the St. Bernard School page for more information.

Home and School: The goal of St. Bernard’s Home and School Association is to serve in community-building, fundraising and special projects to directly benefit the students and school. Meetings are held once a month (except for December, May, June, and July) on the last Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria.

Room Parents: Room parents are assigned to each classroom to assist with holiday parties and chaperoning field trips. Those interested in being a room parent sign up at Back to School Night. Two-three room parents are needed for each grade.

Athletic Club: The Athletic Club of St. Bernard Parish is involved in the financing of school athletic programs and organizes teams for volleyball, soccer and basketball. Athletic Club meetings are the first Wednesday of each month. Visit the Athletic Club page for more information.

Mass Times

Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 8:30 am | 10:30 am
Tuesday-Friday 8:00 am


Saturday 3:30 pm
Any time by appointment, call 402-551-0269